

Half Moom Field Trip Rescheduled to Thursday, December 12th

Field Trips

Milkweed Controversy 

Jared Daniels: “Milkweed, Monarchs and OE in Florida: It’s Complicated”

Originally broadcast live on July 17, 2024. Don't stop growing native milkweed. 

Butterfly battle: scientists disagree on how milkweed affects a parasitic spread in monarchs
WSUF NPR (National Public Radio)

An open letter to Florida monarch-lovers, from a monarch scientist
Andy Davis University of Georgia 

OE Spikes. Human Causes?
Andy Davis Feb 24, 2022 14 min read

Testing Your Monarchs
Monarch Parasites  ".. it is essential to test all adult monarchs upon enclosion."

Save our Monarchs: Plant Native Milkweed
FANN - Florida Association of Nativ Nurseries

FNPS Position

Tropical Milkweed: Harmful to Monarchs and Florida Ecosystems  by Lilly Anderson-Messec
The article includes references and descriptions of native milkweeds.

Wisconsin Horticulture likes Asclepias currasavica. They write that their butterflies prefer it to natives.
Tropical Milkweed, Asclepias currasavica

Testing Monarchs for OE

Tracking Monarchs

Monarch Watch Tagging
How to Catch and Hold a Butterfly

Send a Native Plant Photo to the Daily Sun


Volunteers Needed

Copy this email and please volunteer.

We need a team to help plan our programs. Two people are better than one. Volunteer with a friend. Meet interesting new people, and help us find speakers for our regular meetings and Down South Events. We also need a Vice President to help Sue, our President, juggle all the activities that pop up when you run an organization of almost 200 members.

Other Ways You Can Help.

FNPS Conference April 02-06 2025

Here's a link to save this to your calendar and see the new swag.

Yard Pattern Book

Master Planned Communities

In these developments, the land is cleared of everything often scraping down as much as 8 feet destroying habitat and food for wildlife and native plants.

The natural environment is replaced with stormwater ponds and turf monocultures that depend on inground irrigation systems, regular fertilization, and frequent mowing. As a result, these residential landscapes use an average of 990 gallons of water each time the average yard is watered. That is equivalent to flushing a toilet 774 times or running your dishwasher 50 times! This demand is unsustainable and unnecessary.

The conventional landscaping patterns established in most master-planned communities do little to mitigate or compensate for the larger problem of habitat loss of Florida’s natural ecosystems. It also further contributes to the nutrient pollution (Phosphorus and Nitrogen) that negatively affects Florida’s watersheds and surface waters [1].

But don’t lose hope…there is a better way! Our landscapes can promote healthy soils, conserve water, and provide habitat for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. Our yards can feed our souls.

THE OUTSIDE COLLABORATIVE established this handbook to provide landscape guidelines for sustainable living.

Download The New Yard Pattern Book For Florida’s Sustainable Single Family Homes

UF Herbicide Tolerance Trial has Concluded

Success Read and download results.

Frog fruit (phyla nodiflora)Frog fruit (Phyla nodiflora) is a low-growing plant that is about 3 to 5 inches (7.5 to 13 cm.) in height. It is native to Florida. The plants produce a unique flower from May until October that matures to white blooms with five petals on 4-inch (10 cm.) long spikes. Plants are semi-evergreen and have a high wildlife value. It spreads vigorously and flowers best in sunny damp spots but does well anywhere that gets a bit of sun.



Milkweed and Monarchs, from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, concisely explains the monarch's life cycle. Caution: The milkweed native to Ohio may not be native to Florida and may not grow well here.

Monarchs and Milkweed from the Florida Wildflower Foundations The New Yard Pattern Book

Handbook to provide guidelines for sustainable residential development. This book has emerged from the recent OUTSIDE Conference on sustainable landscapes. Download your free copy

Fall out of Love with your Lawn

Lawns are bad for you, your pets and the planet. It’s time to move on to greener pastures.

Nevada Passes Law to Ban Useless Grass

A Sign of Things to Come?

A new Nevada law will outlaw about 31% of the grass in the Las Vegas area in an effort to conserve water amid a drought that's drying up the region's primary water source: the Colorado River.

What is a Pollinator?

Florida Museum, Daniels Lab, presents Museum in the Parks, Learn About Pollinators

Plants for Pollinators

Craig Heugel talks to Tarflower chapter of FNPS about "Florida's Abundant Asters". Asters are fantastic foundation flowers for pollinators in central Florida. They usually produce many flowers over a long period of time. 


Your membership dollars support our local chapter. Join or renew FNPS membership. 

Reasons to Join / Renew

Why Grow Native Plants?

What's wrong with the plants the builder gave you? Do local landscapers support Florida ecology? Check out this presentation from the Florida Wildflower Association. The presenter, Doug Tallamy is a well-known entomologist. He has written two best-selling, award-winning non-fiction books - Bringing Nature Home and Nature's Best Refuge.

Watch the Webinar

More Why Grow Native Plants?

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