Updated Designs
Following are examples of native plant landscape designs for residential lots typical of those found in The Villages, Florida. This project was led by Steve Turnipseed, funded by FNPS-The Villages Chapter and executed under the direction of Dr. Gail Hansen at the University of Florida, Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology. All of these designs have neat and clean appearances which are appropriate for deed-restricted communities, utilize plants that are native to Florida and provide alternatives to turf-dominated landscapes common in HOAs. The designs and plant lists are public domain and are available for download. Please provide credit to FNPS and UF when the designs are used.
Three Lots, Two Concept Designs for Each
- Corner Lot Concept 1
- Corner Lot Concept 2
- Rectangular Lot Concept 1
- Rectangular Lot Concept 2
- Courtyard Villa Concept 1
- Courtyard Villa Concept 2
Download files in CAD format. To view these files you need software (Autocad 2018) capable of reading .dwg format.
- corner-lot_concept1.dwg
- corner-lot_concept2.dwg
text file explaining Autocad file - courtyard-villa_concept-2.dwg
text file explaining Autocad file - courtyard-villa_concept_1.dwg
text file explaining Autocad file - interior-rectangular-lot_concept-1.dwg
text file explaining Autocad file - interior-rectangular-lot_concept-2.dwg
text file explaining Autocad file
Note: While efforts have been taken to align these designs with current Community Standards rules, currently homeowner landscapes must receive approval from the Architectural Review Committee before implementation.
Landscape design students from the University of Florida Landscape program create Florida native plant landscapes for typical lots in The Villages.
Gail Hansen, PhD Associate Professor, Sustainable Landscape Design
Link to her profile: https://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/faculty-profiles/gail-hansen/
(not in photo) Graduate Student designer / assistants who created the CAD drawings: Jen Marvin, MLA and Kelly Perez, MLA
Undergraduate students that created the first version of the landscape designs as course projects:
Brooke Bedford, Paula Brito, Sophia Gibaldi, William West, Jiang Zheng
Lloyd Singleton: Extension Agent, Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM
Link to his profile: http://clce.ifas.ufl.edu/faculty/singleton.html