
How would you like to help? Get on our list of people we call for special projects. Use our contact form or fnpsthevillages@gmail.com to volunteer.

Here's How You Can Help

An easy way to get started is to help an experienced TVFNPS member man an information table at an event in The Villages.

Executive Committee

All members and volunteers work together to achieve state and chapter goals. We support each other and our members. We coordinate the spending of chapter dollars and attend Executive Committee and chapter meetings. We would like to have co-chairs to share the workload and act as a backup due to traveling or sickness.

Throughout the year, we need help with various events - information table, plant sales, landscape tour, pine straw sale, and presentations to other clubs. 

We are looking for volunteers

  • Who care about Florida native plants.
  • Who wish to encourage others to use native plants.
  • Who have a good sense of humor.
  • Who want to support our unique Florida environment.

The PRESIDENT shall be elected to a two-year term in odd-numbered years (i.e., 2023, 2025, 2027). Lead the Executive Committee in achieving chapter goals and addressing members' needs. This can be a co-president position. 

  • Prepare an agenda and conduct the monthly Executive Committee Meeting 
  • Monitor FNPS email
  • Work with State FNPS
  • Contribute to the monthly newsletter 
  • Organize meeting space with The Villages
  • Goto person for chapter projects

Are you good at working with people? at organizing events? Then this job is for you.

Approximately 15 to 20 hours/month. Less time will be required if an active Vice President is on the Executive Committee. Access and the ability to use a computer are helpful.

The VICE PRESIDENT shall be elected to a two-year term in even-numbered years (i.e., 2024, 2026, 2028).  This position shares duties with the president.  

The VICE PRESIDENT OF PROGRAMS shall be elected to a two-year term in even-numbered years
Duties of the Vice President of Programs:

  • Organize presenters who will speak to aƩendees to the Chapter general meeƟngs on topics of interest to our membership
  • If needed, obtain authorization from the Executive CommiƩee and Treasurer for an appropriate honorarium to be given to the speaker on a timely basis.

The SECRETARY shall be elected to a two-year term in even-numbered years (i.e., 2024, 2026, 2028).  

  • Record, maintain, and report minutes of the chapter and Executive Committee Meetings.
  • Be custodian of all records except financial.
  • Record meeting attendance
  • Need computer word processing skills

Requires at least 5 hours a month.

Arrange delivery with the supplier. Advertise. Supervise delivery and distribution. We have an experienced person who can walk you through this the first time.

Take a two-hour shift to answer questions and pass out brochures about FNPS and Florida Native Plants

You could assist one or more of these people. Contact the person involved through our contact form.

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