2024 Field Trips

Fall 2024 Field Trips

To sign up for trips or for more information come to a meeting or call Pam Powell at 352 750 2420 (NO Texts) or email pamelynn1943@gmail.com.

NOTE: Sign-up sheets will be available at our regular meeting on the 2nd Friday of the month (Meeting Dates). You need to be a member to join our trips as required by the state organization. FNPS membership forms and dues are accepted at the meeting or you can join online at www.fnps.org.

October 18, 2024, Horseback Ride,
Half Moon WMA

Time: 9:00 am
Location: Meet at the Horse Farm and ride together to meet the speaker.
6194 West, FL-44, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538

Cancelled because of Hurricane flooding in the area

Rescheduled for December 12, 2024

The trip is now scheduled for Thursday, Dec 12th - meet at the preserve entrance at 9 am.   The preserve is open for cars  that day so we will be driving to the end of the preserve where the long-leaf pine restoration is being done.   The botanist in charge of this project is going to speak about the restoration and the preserve.   For those who do not want to take the horseback ride there will be a short walk in the preserve or you can choose to leave after the talk.  This trip is now open for guests so please invite anyone who might be interested.

If you have any questions call me at 352 750 2420 - no texts.  
The Preserve Biologist is meeting us at the trailhead. He will talk about the preserve followed by a trip to the longleaf pine restoration area and native plant area.  Then we will ride with the guide from Horsin Around through the preserve.
Open to FNPS Members and guests

This trip is led by a trail guide from Just Horsin Around Ranch who knows the native plants in the preserve.  It will be a 1-hour ride on very tame horses (you do not need to know how to ride).  Half Moon is one of the Florida Preserves restoring long-leaf pine trees.  This is a shady and very beautiful area.  Cost is $60 per person.  We will meet at 9 am at the ranch. Carpooling can be arranged for those who do not want to drive.

Jackie RollyNovember 15, 2024, Oakland Preserve

  • Golf cart transportation ONLY for those who need it.
  • FNPS members onl/y.   
  • Location: Map and Directions

This trip is led by Jackie Rolly, the November meeting speaker.  Jackie is restoring native plants to Oakland Preserve. She will speak about the native plants she has planted - some of which she rescued from areas about to be developed.  Please plan to be at the Nov meeting to hear her speak if you can.

January 7, 2025, Lake  Apopka Wildlife Drive

FNSP members only
Transportation on the drive:
benches on a step-up trailer, limit 20 people
Meet: 10 am in the parking lot for carpooling
Carpoolers: You will get the address when we are leaving.  

The trailer has sides, a top, and benches that seat up to 20 people.  Ben Gugliotti who works for the St Johns River Management will be taking us.  Please note that the trip will be 3 plus hours long.  If you have not been on one of my trips with Ben you will be in for a treat.  All of us who have done trips with him love him.  He will address conservation and restoration issues in addition to talking about the native plants.  We are doing this trip in January to catch the maximum number of winter migrating birds.

The restoration of former muck farms has transformed this area into a haven for wildlife and a jewel for the recreating public. The 20,000 acres that make up the Lake Apopka North Shore, were once part of the lake itself. Lake Apopka is the state’s fourth-largest lake and is fed by a natural spring, rainfall and stormwater runoff. The headwaters of the Ocklawaha Chain of Lakes, the lake was designated for cleanup under the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act of 1987.

One of the special highlights of this property is the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. The drive is a one-way, 11-mile drive meandering through the eastern portion of the property. It begins at Lust Road and ends on Jones Avenue in Orange County, Fla. The drive takes 1–3 hours, depending on the usage and how many stops visitors choose to make along the way. The speed limit is 10 mph.

Feb 19, 2024 - Paynes Prairie  

FNSP members only.  
Meet: 10 am. Visitors Center, south end of the Park
100 Savannah Blvd.
Micanopy FL 32667
Carpooling will be arranged depending on where you live in the Villages.

For this trip, you will need to walk a short distance to the observation tower with a ramp. There is also a walkway that overlooks the prairie. 

 The trip will be led by Tracy, who is the ranger speaking at our February meeting.  She will talk about the restoration and conservation efforts at Paynes.  In addition, if we are lucky, we will see the wild horses and buffalo that live there.  In the Visitor Center. we will watch videos about the park before we start the tour.   Please be at the February meeting to hear Tracy speak.  

To sign up for trips or for more information come to a meeting or call Pam Powell at 352 750 2420 (NO Texts) or email pamelynn1943@gmail.com.


Completed Trips 2024

Lyonia Scrub Jay Preserve  |  Paynes Prairie  |  Green Isle Gardens 
 Bok Towers  |  Tiger Creek Preserve  | Fireworks by Boat

NOTE: Sign-up sheets will be available at our regular meeting on the 2nd Friday of the month (Meeting Dates). You need to be a member to join our trips as required by the state organization. FNPS membership forms and dues are accepted at the meeting or you can join online at www.fnps.org.

July 4, 2024

Viewing Fireworks by Boat

Date: Thursday,  July 2, 2024
Cost: $35 per person
Restaurant Location: Hollerbach's German Restaurant at 6 pm., 201-205 E 1st St, Sanford
Boat Launch: People meeting at the boat will go to St Johns River Eco Tours in De Barry to board the boat at 8 pm.  There is a ramp to get onto the boat from the dock.  Wheelchairs are not allowed - only people using canes and walkers,  and the captain speaks into a mike

This trip is not a FNPS trip. Everyone is invited. It is handicap accessible.  We are having dinner ting at Hollerbach's German Restaurant at 6 pm. We will see both Sanford and Deltona fireworks.  Payment of $35 ensures your seat on the boat.   Interested, please contact Pam Powell  at April or May meeting or email her at Pamelynn1943@gmail.com.

Paynes Prairie Sinkhole 

Date: Tuesday,  March 24, 2024
Location:  Paynes Prairie State Park, just south of Gainsville
Car Pool: 8:30 a.m. Eisenhower Regional Recreation Center, at the south end of the parking lot near Buena Vista.
Driving Directions: 10am 4801 Camp Ranch Road

Lunch: Micanopy (optional)
Sign Up: At the meeting or call Pam Powell at 352 750 2420 (NO TEXTS)
Cost: Florida State Parks Entrance Fee or Annual Pass
$6 per vehicle (two to eight people).
$4 single-occupant vehicle.

This is a walk on a two-mile loop in the sinkhole area only open to the public with a ranger leading the trip.  Because of the conditions - the trail is sandy, uneven, and up and down - there will be a second ranger who will take those who do not want to walk the whole 2 miles back in a separate group.  The trip will be led by Kevin Patton who is the head ranger. Those of you who were on the last trip to Paynes will remember him. Close-toed shoes are recommended.

For those who have never been to Micanopy (which is on the way back for lunch), there are places to eat lunch and it is on the must-see list for Florida.  We will make sure that the carpooling is arranged so that the people stopping in Micanopy for lunch are in the same cars.

Paynes Prairie

More Photos

Bok Towers Bus Trip

DATE: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Tiger Creek Preserve

Date: March 19, 2024

Sign Up: At the meeting or call Pam Powell at 352 750 2420 (NO TEXTS)

This trip will be during the second week in April.  I do not have a date yet from the manager of the preserve.  When I have a date, information on the trip will be posted.  This is a Nature Conservancy Preserve and a very special place.  The trip will be led by the Preserve manager and is limited to 15 because it is on a very large swamp buggy that only seats 15.  The buggy is about 10 feet off the ground and you have to climb up to get to the seating. These Trips Have Been Completed

Silver River Canoe Trip

Silver River Canoe Trip


Date: Feb 05, 2024
Carpool: Paradise Recreation Center at 8:15 from the parking lot next to the fire station.
Driving Directions: If you don't want to carpool, meet at 9 a.m. at Silver Springs State Park by the glass bottom boat tours. Google Directions
Lunch: Optional, Ocala ???
Cost: $65 per person for the outfitter, $8 entrance fee per car
Sign Up: At the meeting or call Pam Powell at 352 750 2420 (NO TEXTS)
Outfitter:  Lars Andersen, 386 497 4214, adventureoutpost.net, email: riverguide 2000@yahoo.com   Lunch somewhere in Ocala for those who wish.   

Lyonia Preserve

Date:  Feb 29, 2024
Location: 2150 Eustace Ave Deltona
Florida Scrub JayThis trip is to a Scrub Jay habitat in Deltona.  We are going around the preserve on a tram.  This is a native plant habitat suited to the scrub jays, and if you have never seen one they are very friendly and curious birds who have been known to get very close to people and even land on them on rare occasions.   They are endemic to Florida.   The preserve is being restored with native plants so the scrub jays have a place to live.   

The Florida Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) is a striking and endemic bird species found exclusively in the scrub habitats of Florida, United States. Recognized for its vibrant blue plumage, these social birds live in cooperative family groups and exhibit a complex social structure. Their preferred habitat consists of open scrublands with sandy soils, where they forage for acorns, insects, and small vertebrates. Unfortunately, the Florida Scrub Jay faces threats such as habitat loss due to urbanization and fire suppression, making conservation efforts crucial for the survival of this charismatic and unique bird species. How to Identify the Florida Scrub Jay

Some want to make the scrub jay The Florida State Bird. Read why at Wild Southern Florida.

Scrub Plants of the Preserve

Green Isle Gardens

Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - Meet at Green Isle, Carpooling will be arranged if desired.
Location: Green Island Gardens, 11303 SR-33, Groveland, FL 34736 (approx. 45 mins.)
Optional Lunch:  To be decided by passengers if carpooling
Video Tourhttps://youtu.be/BZvdbo6NQMs?si=pL7ZCSDeMr6OAERz
Trip ContactFNPSthevillages@gmail.com  

Green Isle Gardens

Green Isle Gardens, Florida Native Plant Nursery in Groveland, FL offers a large display of Florida natives labeled and priced.  They can help you find the plant you want. There will be a half-hour talk on the nursery and its plants.  FNPS Members receive a discount of 10% on all plants and books.   Sign up at the meeting or email FNPSthevillages@gmail.com with the subject line "Green Isle Garden Field Trip" with your name, phone number, email, and the name of the Village where you live.

We attempt to have trips for all ability levels. If you have a suggestion please contact fnpsthevillages@gmail.com

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